Mommy Makeovers and What They Have to Offer

Mommy Makeover

Many women would argue that there is no wonderful and more meaningful even than bringing a child into the world. Pregnancy is a wonderful and beautiful thing but it can wreak havoc on the body and as new Mommies adjust to their new life and the new family member, they also have to adjust to a new body that likely doesn’t look or feel like it did before they were pregnant. Many women are turning to Mommy Makeovers to help them get back the body they once loved.

How Mommy Makeovers Work

Mommy makeovers use a combination of specially designed and selected cosmetic procedures in order to help return moms go back to their pre-pregnant look. They generally focus on the breast and abdominal areas but other problem areas can also be addressed. The procedures work to remove stubborn fat deposits from areas like the stomach, tone loose skin in areas like the arms and back, and correct symmetry and shape issues with areas like the breasts. Here are some of the common areas women focus on when they come to us asking about the Mommy Makeover procedures that are right for them:

Breast and Chest

The female body during pregnancy goes through a lot of changes and one of the most notable is the growth of the breasts. The skin becomes more elastic to account for the growth of the stomach and breasts and this often means that once the pregnancy ends and after breastfeeding ceases, the breasts are often left saggy and loose compared to how they were before because of the excess tissue that is now gone. A Mommy Makeover can use implants to fill out the breasts or a lift can be done to remove some of the loose excess skin.


During pregnancy, the abdominal walls and skin stretch as the pregnancy progresses. This means there is stretching of the skin and muscles which can leave stretch marks and loose skin on the surface and a permanent stretching of the abdominal muscles. This, in combination with normal healthy fat gain during the pregnancy, means your stomach area will look a lot different and many new mommies find it almost impossible to get rid of all the fat and loose skin– no matter how hard they try. This is where Mommy Makeover treatments come in!

Mid Back and Waist

After pregnancy, even with weight loss and toning workouts and hard work, many women find there are stubborn areas that do not want to go away. Love handles, muffin tops, and back bra rolls are some of the most common complaints we see from our new mom patients. There are several treatments offered in most Mommy Makeover packages that drastically reduce these annoying and embarrassing issues and help restore self-esteem and help clothes fit better as well. Whether it is a small roll or major loose skin getting in the way, we can help!

Legs and Hips

It’s normal for women to be more prone to fatty deposits in the legs and thighs than men and these can become even more pronounces after pregnancy. To help with these types of stubborn fatty deposits, Mommy Makeovers can make use of a combination of liposuction and skin tucks to restore a more even and toned look. This can be done to the legs and the hips to help create a slimmer and younger look- much like the pre-pregnancy body so many women long for after they have kids. Some sort of leg or hip treatment is common in most procedures we do.


Mommy Makeovers are also commonly done to help with the augmentations of the buttocks. There are two options for dealing with post-pregnancy buttock treatments. You can opt to have fatty deposits removed to reduce the size and change the shape of the buttocks or you can take fat removed from other areas such as the stomach and use it to increase the size and smooth out the shape of the buttocks. Liposculpting for the buttock area is a popular choice in a great number of the treatments we do for new mommies.

Mommy Makeovers at Kouris M.D. Cosmetic Plastic Surgery

If you are considering any type of Mommy Makeover treatments we invite you to come see us today here at Kouris M.D. Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Dr. Kouris is an expert in the art and science of mommy makeovers. During your consultation with him, you’ll discuss your expectations for your mommy makeover procedure. All of your questions will be answered and he will ensure you understand the procedures involved with your Mommy Makeover and will address pre and post treatment concerns as well.

Dr. Kouris’s staff is happy to help you with any questions you may have before scheduling your Mommy Makeover. Please use our Contact Us Page. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you get the body you want!

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.